Format Rights and Social Media

Formats are an important part of the media economy and one of the key tools used in the development and production of original programming around the world. Formats are the sum total of all of the distinct stylistic elements of a program – such as the title, characters, themes, style, scripts, staging elements and/or narrative structure. Successful formats are adapted...

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YouTube Copyright Strikes Out

The YouTube copyright enforcement program is a complex series of rules and technical processes that governs what can and can’t be uploaded onto the world’s largest single source of user generated content. Yet by imposing a uniform set of rules and dispute resolution procedures to enforce copyright globally, YouTube has created a defacto supranational legal system where the sheer size...

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Pokemon Go Shows Limits of AR Law

For the past few years, virtual reality (VR) has seized headlines and mindshare as it promises to transform your life with big budget flashy hardware like the Oculus Rift.  Meanwhile VR’s reclusive cousin, augmented reality (AR), which overlays digital graphics or data in real time over video, has been quietly worming its way into our lives in with functionality in Google Translate, Decolabs home design...

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Who Owns Your Face?

Biometric Personality in an era of Facial Recognition Systems, Artificial Intelligence and Speech Recognition Systems By Gordon Finlayson Facial features are essential to human identity, our unique set of facial features are the means with which we can instantly identify one another out of the billions of humans alive on the planet. Faces are essential to your understanding of your...

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